SZD News

Test flight S/N25 Two Seater Glider PERKOZ

The serial number 25 of our two seater glider SZD-54-2 PERKOZ has been recently finished in our new production hall in Bielsko-Biała. Our dedicated team conducted the test flight shortly before Christmas on a sunny winter day. The test flight took place on the EPBA airfield right beside the manufacturing plant. We are pleased about the youngest glider of the world wide SZD fleet. The great pictures of our team members should give you an impression of this special day.


Last preparation for the test flight of S/N 25 PERKOZ in the winter sun

20201223_szd_news_2.jpg First aero tow of S/N 25 with aerobatic version 17,5 meter wing span

20201223_szd_news_4.jpgLanding of tow seater glider in front of the “Beskidy” mountains

20201223_szd_news_3.jpg First flight manoeuvres of the PERKOZ S/N 25

20201223_szd_news_5.jpg Second launch of S/N 25 PERKOZ with the wingspan of 20 meters for cross-country flights