SZD Community

How Great Aerobatic Flying Can Be …

In the February edition’s supplement of the Aerokurier, the chief editor and aerobatic pilot Lars Reinhold tells us about how he has become the proud owner and fan of an SZD-59 ACRO. He describes his personal goals with regards to aerobatic gliding and reveals why he decided for this challenging aerobatic sailplane. Lars gives a summary of his personal selection criteria and explains which gliders are discussed among the small community of aerobatic pilots. The article is enriched by fascinating glider and aerial photographs created by Tobias Barth. We recommend that any pilot considering trying their wings at aerobatics reads this article. You can find more details about Lars´s glider aerobatics with the SZD-59 ACRO on his blog » dertraumvomfliegen.

Allstar PZL Glider has enhanced the aerobatic glider described by Lars into the version SZD-59-1 ACRO. This version now provides newly developed wing extensions which results in a total span of 16.4m and shows extraordinary flight characteristics for cross-country flying, too. Together with the 15m version, the updated ACRO leaves nothing to be desired by ambitious pilots.


Flight Magazine: Aerokurier – Das Magazin für Piloten, 02/2021, Special: Segelflug, Die Polnische Schönheit (The Polish Beauty), page 4 - 9